Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Thing 11-Library Thing

I have added my 5 books and some,on LibraryThing. I really liked this site and did not really have any significant problems with this site. I chose to catalog books dealing with football and discipline. The discipline/classroom management books I chose, were books that I have read that helped me become a better teacher for my students and myself. The football books that I chose have helped me teach my kids how to become better athletes, as well as better members of society. By using this site I will be able to quickly log on and find other books which are similar to the books that are of my interesr or that I have already read. I also like the fact that I can interact wiith others about their thoughts on certain books or their reviews. I searched a few groups and found some that could be of interest but so far I have not found one that I really feel is the perfect fit for me, yet.

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